ADV – Leaderboard

Young artists Alondra Rios, Mariana Reyes Daza, Emefa Dzodzomenyo, Karina Patel, and Gabriela Furtado Coutinho join and dream of healing. Commissioned photography by Joe Mazza with intimacy consultation by Gaby Labotka.

Young artists Alondra Rios, Mariana Reyes Daza, Emefa Dzodzomenyo, Karina Patel, and Gabriela Furtado Coutinho join and dream of healing. Commissioned photography by Joe Mazza with intimacy consultation by Gaby Labotka.

Young artists Alondra Rios, Mariana Reyes Daza, Emefa Dzodzomenyo, Karina Patel, and Gabriela Furtado Coutinho join and dream of healing. Commissioned photography by Joe Mazza with intimacy consultation by Gaby Labotka.

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ADV – Billboard