Somewhere in La Mancha there lived a man who read so many books that his brains dried up. Saddle up with Lookingglass as we go tiltingly, acrobatically into the dreamy madness of Don Quixote and his impossible folly-filled quest to bring good-deed doing back into the world—whether the world wants it or not.
Circus Quixote
Somewhere in La Mancha there lived a man who read so many books that his brains dried up. Saddle up with Lookingglass as we go tiltingly, acrobatically into the dreamy madness of Don Quixote and his impossible folly-filled quest to bring good-deed doing back into the world—whether the world wants it or not. Support American Theatre: a just and thriving theatre ecology begins with information for all. Please join us in this mission by joining TCG, which entitles you to copies of our quarterly print…