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"Beyond the Mirror" performed by Bond Street Theatre at the Exile Theatre in Afghanistan in 2005. (Photo by : Joanna Sherman)

Castillo Theatre Announces Winners of Otto René Castillo Awards

Bond Street Theatre, Michael Rohd, Carlton Turner and Maurice Turner will be recognized with the 17th annual political theatre awards.

NEW YORK CITY: Castillo Theatre has announced the winners of its 17th annual Otto René Castillo Awards, for theatre companies and artists engaged in creating political and community-based theatre. This year’s awardees are Bond Street Theatre, Michael Rohd, Carlton Turner and Maurice Turner.

Bond Street Theatre has been crossing cultural borders to create theatre for social change since 1976, exploring conflict and poverty, with a focus on women and youth. Their goal is to illuminate social issues and promote understanding worldwide by collaborating with theatre artists around the globe. They have created projects in more than 30 countries and currently have projects in Afghanistan, Myanmar and Kenya.

Michael Rohd is the founding artistic director of the award-winning ensemble theatre company Sojourn Theatre. Rohd devises, directs and collaborates on cross-sector projects across the nation. He teaches at Northwestern University and leads the Center for Performance and Civic Practice. Rohd is the author of the widely translated book Theatre for Community, Conflict and Dialogue.

Carlton and Maurice Turner together founded M.U.G.A.B.E.E. (Men Under Guidance Acting Before Early Extinction), an ensemble promoting community engagement. The Turner brothers of Mississippi are arts educators and cultural organizers who aim to empower young people to enact social change through arts and culture.

The recipients will receive a monetary award on Sunday, May 17 at the Castillo Theatre.

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