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Art by Mark Krause

Caption Contest: Bystander Edition

Play this month’s Caption Contest and win a copy of ‘Choir Boy’ by Tarell Alvin McCraney.

Every month, American Theatre wants YOUR input. We post up a new cartoon and you, readers, are invited to write a caption to it. This month’s cartoon is above.

The winner will receive a copy of Choir Boy by Tarell Alvin McCraney, published by TCG Books.

Winner and finalists will be notified by e-mail. To enter the contest,  please fill out the form below.*

The contest will close on Friday, Jan. 29, at 5 p.m. EST.

This contest is now closed.

*Participants cannot win two consecutive contests, but are encouraged to keep competing after that.
*In a modification to earlier Caption Contests, all entries are now privately submitted.

Due to the holiday season, we suspended the Caption Contest for a month. Below are the winner and finalists from our November contest.

Art by Mark Krause
Art by Mark Krause

“We’ll trade you Terry Teachout and Eric Bentley for Shaw.” —Lou Harry


“You know, Hades is known to be the temporary hell for the soul, and the Lake of Fire is known to be the permanent Hell for the soul AND body. Have they separated us here for our temporary safety or preparation for eternity in one of the two?” —yebbasue

“I think I’m supposed to be in the other cell.” —Briandaniel Oglesby

Support American Theatre: a just and thriving theatre ecology begins with information for all. Please join us in this mission by joining TCG, which entitles you to copies of our quarterly print magazine and helps support a long legacy of quality nonprofit arts journalism.

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