GREENSBORO, N.C.: The Sally and Don Lucas Artists Program at the Montalvo Arts Center has named Preston Lane a recipient of the Literary Arts Fellowship. Lane, the founding artistic director of Triad Stage, is among 25 selected writers who will participate in the three-month residency that will take place between 2017 and 2020.

Candidates for the Literary Arts Fellowship are nominated and selected by a jury. Corey Madden, director of the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts, nominated Lane after seeing his play Radiunt Abundunt at Triad Stage in 2016.
“Triad Stage is so lucky to have a talented director/playwright in our artistic director Preston Lane,” said board chair Mindy Oakley in a statement. “Our whole community benefits from the opportunity to be so close to a unique voice creating new work right here, with a particular focus on the South. We couldn’t be more proud.”
Lane, who cofounded Triad Stage with Richard Whittington in 1999, has written 20 adaptations and original plays for the company. His latest play, Actions and Objectives, is currently running at Triad Stage through April 23. In 2014, Lane was a finalist for the SDC Zelda Fichandler Award. He also received an NC Arts Council Playwright Fellowship, as well as the Betty Cone Medal of the Arts. He holds an MFA in directing from the Yale School of Drama.
“I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to have the time to explore new ideas and forms while interacting with exciting artists from all over the county and internationally,” said Lane. “This dedicated writing time gives me the space to really focus on craft and story in a supportive environment.”