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Florinda Bryant, Jenny Larson, and Diana Lynn Small will collectively lead Salvage Vanguard Theater as co-producing artistic directors.

Salvage Vanguard Theater Announces New Leadership

Two interdisciplinary artists and leaders will join artistic director Jenny Larson at the helm.

AUSTIN: Salvage Vanguard Theater (SVT) has announced that Florinda Bryant and Diana Lynn Small will join Jenny Larson as co-producing artistic directors this September.

“Florinda and Diana are inspiring artists and socially conscious members of the Austin community,” said Larson, whose title will change from artistic director, in a statement. “I can’t wait to cook up trouble with these two brilliant ladies. Their energy and artistry will help Salvage Vanguard to grow into its mission to be accessible, affordable, diverse, and inclusive.”

Bryant, who currently serves as managing director at SVT, is an interdisciplinary artist and educator. As a performer, she has appeared onstage at SVT in In This House, Civilization (All You Can Eat), From the Pig Pile, Bright Now Beyond, and AM I WHITE. She has worked with Creative Action since 2005, and she is the artistic director of the Austin Project Performance Company.

Small is a writer, performer, and director. Her work has been developed or produced at SVT, the Great Plains Conference’s PlayLabs, Kitchen Dog Theatre’s New Works Festival, and Paper Chairs Theatre. She was an artist in residence at Tofte Lake Center in Minnesota. Her new work House Play will be developed at Berkeley Repertory’s Ground Floor series before being workshopped at SVT. She holds an MFA in playwriting from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas—Austin.  She is pursuing a Masters of Divinity at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

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