CHICAGO: The Theatre School at DePaul University has announced that Martine Kei Green-Rogers, Ph.D. will begin her tenure as dean on July 1. Currently, she is the interim dean of the Division of Liberal Arts at the University of North Carolina School for the Arts. Green-Rogers has previously taught at the State University of NY at New Paltz, Kenyon College, Sam Houston State University, and the University of Utah. Her areas of research include violence in African American theatre, African diaspora theatre, gender and race in American theatre, and issues of sustainability in the theatre.
“Martine is highly regarded in the professional theatre and the classroom,” said DePaul University Provost Salma Ghanem in a statement. “She is known for her phenomenal teaching and mentorship, as well as her commitment to inclusivity and diversity. Her leadership in higher education combined with her extensive experience in the theatre will serve our students well.”
Green-Rogers has experience with many facets of the professional theatre and entertainment industries, including dramaturgy, literary management, writing, directing and creative storytelling. She is the fellowship associate at the Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis and the ITD research specialist for Hidden World Entertainment. She has held positions at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and the Court Theatre in Chicago, as well as served as president of the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas.
“I am very committed to educating the next generation of responsible global citizens and artists, mentoring faculty and staff to create a better and more responsive center for the arts in higher education, and remembering at our core, the only way we will get there is through grace, respect and imagination,” said Green-Rogers in a statement.
Green-Rogers received her Ph.D. from the Department of Theatre and Drama at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She earned her bachelor’s in theatre from Virginia Wesleyan College and her master’s in theatre history and criticism from the Catholic University of America.