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Felicia Curry, Helen Huang, Kate Eastwood Norris, and Lawrence Redmond.

2023 Anderson Hopkins Award Winners Announced

Awardees include Felicia Curry, Kate Eastwood Norris, Lawrence Redmond, and Helen Huang.

WASHINGTON, D.C.: The Anderson Hopkins Awards trustees have named Felicia Curry, Helen Huang, Kate Eastwood Norris, and Lawrence Redmond to be recipients of this year’s awards. Each artist will receive a $5,000 cash award, to be presented at a ceremony at Signature Theatre in Arlington, Va., tonight.

The annual award recognizes actors and other members of the D.C. theatre community whose creative lives demonstrate great accomplishment to date and represent promise for the future. The award is given to two or more recipients who have been performing in Washington for at least 10 years, with at least two performances in the last two years. The organization has awarded over $80,000 to date.

Felicia Curry.

Curry is an award-winning D.C.-based actor who was named a “D.C. stage dynamo” by the Washington Post and one of the city’s biggest theatre starts by Washingtonian magazine. She was recently seen in Our Town at Shakespeare Theatre Company and on Broadway in Into the Woods. Curry is a company member of Factory 449, an artistic associate at Ford’s Theatre, and a member of the Washington Area Performing Arts Video Archives (WAPAVA). She is the winner of one individual Helen Hayes Award and three ensemble Helen Hayes Awards.

Helen Huang.

Huang is an award-winning costume designer, professor, and author whose work has been seen across D.C. and the country. She is a five-time Helen Hayes Award nominee, winning for Indian Ink at Studio Theatre. She recently designed the costumes for Studio’s People, Places, & Things and Quixote Nuevo at Round House Theatre. Her work ranges from elaborate period costumes to pieces for everyday life.

Kate Eastwood Norris.

Norris is currently starring in Round House Theatre’s production of The Tempest. She is a veteran of the American Shakespeare Center and won a Helen Hayes Award for her performance as Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Folger Theatre. She is a company member at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, where she won another Helen Hayes Award for her performance in She Stoops to Comedy.

Lawrence Redmond.

Redmond has performed in over 150 shows across D.C. stages over four decades. He is a two-time Helen Hayes Award winner and nine-time nominee, in addition to three ensemble awards. Redmond is currently performing in Signature Theatre’s production of Into the Woods.

Established in 2017, the Anderson Hopkins Awards for Excellence in the Theatre Arts are given to artists in the Washington, D.C. community who have enriched D.C. theatre with their contributions. It is made annually to one or more artists, at the discretion of the donor.

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