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Catching up with our favorite theatre podcasts after a holiday break, these feasts for the ears have us going back for seconds.

We took a break from this roundup for Thanksgiving, but some of our favorite theatre podcasts did not, so we’re doubling up here a bit. Consider it early holiday bounty?

Listen up…

Off and On First, host Bernardo Cubria joins his old theatre school pal Philip Hays to compare notes on the different paths they’ve taken: Hays to Houston, Bernardo to New York.

Then, actor Jose Joaquin Perez makes his second Off and On appearance, this time to talk about bad auditioning habits, learning to be okay with who you are onstage and off, dealing with jealousy and Facebook, and why what we do matters—maybe.


Born Ready In their pre-Turkey Day episode, the Bay Area bad boys talked rolling world premieres and football with Lisa Steindler and Peter Sinn Nachtrieb of Z Space. For arcane technical reasons that would require a competent web professional to explain, we can’t embed that episode here, but you can listen to it by clicking here.

And this week, the boys get into the nitty-gritty of artist compensation—or what they memorably call “the meat of our displeasure”—in a chat with Oprah-challenging comic/artist/pro-Hula Hooper Revolva.


OffScript This week, American Theatre‘s own podcast also talks a bit about artist compensation, and hosts a national critic’s roundtable about Joshua Harmon’s popular new play Bad Jews.


Maxamoo This New York City review/preview podcast did double duty, first with an in-depth interview with Pitbulls playwright Keith Josef Adkins…

…then with a December theatre preview from host Lindsay Barenz and contributors Liz Richards and Jack Moore.


Meanwhile, Chicago’s General Admission podcast did a Thanksgiving episode with retired-homicide-detective-turned-storyteller, Jim Padar, who talks about the storytelling organization the Moth changed his life, and how emails with his son turned into a book.


Two other podcasts worth checking out but not embeddable here: Erin Teachman’s Exit the Stage Door, which interviews DC theatremakers (recent episodes have featured Rachel Grossman and Gwydion Suleibhan), and Anthony Byrnes’s pithy comments for KCRW in L.A., Opening the Curtain, where his most recent chats were about holiday theatre and about how the Taper is failing L.A.

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