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"Am I White" by Adrienne Dawes at Salvage Vanguard Theater in 2014.

Salvage Vanguard 2015–16 Season to Include 3 World Premieres

The slate includes works from Jay Byrd, Adrienne Dawes, and the Mighty Mighty Pressure Cooker, tackling themes of bullying, feminism, and roads not taken.

AUSTIN: Experimental company Salvage Vanguard Theater has set the lineup for its 2015–16 season, which will contain world premieres from Jay Byrd and Adrienne Dawes and a devised performance with the Mighty Mighty Pressure Cooker.

The season will open with Naked as a Gaybird, written and performed by the aptly named Byrd (Nov. 5–21). The one-person show traces Byrd’s journey coming out and surviving abuse and bullying. Salvage Vanguard artistic director Jenny Larson will direct.

Up next will be Dawes’s Denim Doves (Jan. 21–Feb. 13, 2016), a feminine farce set in a dystopian future, in which five sister-wives live together in a compound. The play was created in collaboration with Florinda Bryant, Henna Chou, Judd Farris, Jessica Gilzow, Jenny Larson, Renna Larson, Erik Secrest, and Cyndi Williams.

The theatre will close its season with the world premiere of Unlived Lives (working title) (April 2016), created with artists from Salvage Vanguard and the Mighty Mighty Pressure Cooker. Actor Jenny Larson, composer Graham Reynolds, director Ida Daniel, and sound artist Todor Stoyanov will devise a performance described as “an examination of the path not taken.” The resulting play will be part investigation, part dance piece/music performance.

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