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Becky Andrews and Max McLean in a Fellowship for Performing Arts' 2012 performance of "The Screwtape Letters". (Photo by Gerry Goodstein)

Fellowship for Performing Arts 2015–16 Season Includes C.S. Lewis Adaptations

The New York-based theatre company promises to engage diverse audiences with a Christian worldview.

NEW YORK CITY: The Fellowship for Performing Arts (FPA) has announced a season that will include a world premiere and adaptations of works by Chronicles of Narnia author C.S. Lewis.

The season will begin with the New York premiere of The Great Divorce (Dec. 3–Jan. 3, 2016), an adaptation of Lewis’ theological fantasy of Heaven and Hell. Christa Scott-Reed, Joel Rainwater and Michael Frederic will star; Bill Castellino will direct.

The Screwtape Letters (Jan. 16–24, 2016), a comic adaptation of Lewis’ famous novel of spiritual warfare as perceived by a pair of scheming, office-bound devils, will follow. Brent Harris will star as the demon; Marissa Molnar and Karen Wight will perform the role of Toadpipe, his assistant. Jeff Fiske and FPA artistic director Max McLean will director direct.

Next is a workshop production of Martin Luther on Trial (Feb. 4–14, 2016). A new play by McLean and Chris Cragin-Day, Luther on Trial imagines the 16th-century spiritual reformer under prosecution by the Devil himself; called to the witness stand are Freud, Pope Francis, and Hitler, among others. Michael Parva will direct.

Limited presentations of C.S. Lewis Onstage: The Most Reluctant Convert (Dec. 13–14; Dec. 20–21; Feb. 18–21, 2016), a one-man performance adapted from Lewis’ personal writings, will play throughout the season. McLean will direct and star as the Christian author.

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