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Paula Larke and Elise Witt at Alternate ROOTS's 40 anniversary gathering. (Photo by Melisa Cardona)

Duke Foundation Awards Nearly $4 Million to 16 Arts Service Orgs

This year’s grants go to a range of performing arts service organizations, including TCG.

NEW YORK CITY: The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) today announced the 16 organizations around the country receiving about $4 million total through the Arts Program’s Core Support for National Arts Service strategy. DDCF selected the awardees through an extensive review process that aimed to identify, recognize, and encourage organizations serving critical roles for the dance, jazz, theatre, and presenting fields, such as by maintaining important networks for advocacy and sharing resources.

“These arts service organizations represent remarkable diversity and collective power and responsibility in supporting performing artists and the institutions with which they partner,” said Maurine Knighton, DDCF program director, in a statement. “They serve critical roles in their fields, making us confident that in supporting the achievement of their long-term goals, we are also supporting the strength of their respective performing arts fields. We are proud to make these awards and support these organizations to continue and expand their important work for years to come.”

The recipients receive two-year grants ranging from $50,000 to $350,000 in generally flexible, unrestricted funding that enables them to efficiently address short-term needs and dedicate more organizational resources to longer-term projects benefiting artists and their fields.

Through the Arts Program’s Core Support to National Arts Service Organizations strategy, the foundation seeks to identify and support entities that clearly contribute to the strength and vitality of the performing arts sector in the way they build and disseminate important knowledge, conduct research, provide thought leadership, and gather the field to learn and grow together. Recognizing that organizations are diverted from pursuing these priorities by more urgent needs and that little public funding goes to addressing system-wide challenges, the foundation aims to help these grantees efficiently address short-term needs.  DDCF support therefore enables grantees to spend more staff time and energy on their longer-term security, stability and continued excellence in supporting artists and their fields with a broad and ambitious range of services.

For more information about the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation’s Arts Program and the Core Support for National Arts Service Organizations strategy, please read more here.

The 2018 Core Support for National Arts Service Organizations grant recipients are:

The mission of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) is to improve the quality of people’s lives through grants supporting the performing arts, environmental conservation, medical research, and child well-being, and through preservation of the cultural and environmental legacy of Doris Duke’s properties.

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