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The cast of "Indecent," currently running at Baltimore Center Stage through March 31. (Photo by Stanley Photography)

D.C./Baltimore Named Fastest-Growing Theatre Region by AEA

Actors’ Equity has released the second iteration of a study measuring work weeks for actors and stage managers.

NEW YORK CITY: Actors’ Equity Association has released its second annual Regional Theatre Report, which measures the work weeks of its members in 28 metropolitan areas around the country (excluding New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago). The report found an overall increase in work weeks for its members nationally, with the Washington, D.C./Baltimore area providing the most work weeks for actors and stage managers. The report also names D.C. the “fastest-growing theatre city.”

“This report shows that there are exciting performances being created by professional actors and stage managers all across the country, not just Broadway,” said Brandon Lorenz, national director of communications for AEA. “More work opportunities in regional theatre is good for everyone, giving more options for the audience to see theatre, and more money into the pockets of Equity members.”

The report covers the 2017-18 season that ended in May 2018, and counted paid contracts. The Washington D.C./Baltimore area contains 1,171 Equity members who worked an average of 20.8 weeks that season. The other top regions for Equity members included Central Florida (with 16.4 workweeks for 981 members), and Kansas City in Missouri and Kansas (with 14.9 workweeks for 219 members). The complete report can be read here.

Actors’ Equity Association is a union representing more than 51,000 professional actors and stage managers.

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