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The Old Globe Announces ‘What Is Theatre Now?’ Initiative

The initiative will inform the Globe’s trajectory and provide resources to six artists as they reinvent the art form.

SAN DIEGO: The Old Globe has announced a new initiative that will ask six theatre artists, ‘What Is Theatre Now?’ The group of artists consists of Justin Emeka, Patricia McGregor, Johanna McKeon, Delicia Turner Sonnenberg, James Vásquez, and Whitney White.

“The day the Globe was forced to close its doors in March, Old Globe associate artistic directors Freedome Bradley-Ballentine and Justin Waldman and our artistic staff began a process of imagining what theatre might look like while audiences shelter at home,” said Erna Finci Viterbi artistic director Barry Edelstein in a statement. “Reinventing a 2,000-year-old art form in a matter of months is not for the faint of heart, so we turned to the most visionary artists in our orbit, knowing that their bright imaginations would guide our inquiry. The six remarkable theatre makers in this cohort have real and authentic ties to the Globe, sincere affection for San Diego and its audiences, a huge range of interests, talents, and insights, and a wide diversity of backgrounds. Our conversations have already been inspiring and beautiful.”

As part of the initiative, the artists will share their insights on a variety of themes with the Globe, imagining forms and technologies that might result in new art on digital platforms, live theatre, or new hybrids that blend the two. The theatre aims to provide the artists with resources to help bring their work to life. This initiative will also inform the Globe’s trajectory moving forward.

“From this collaboration, exciting new works will emerge that will fill the Globe’s digital platforms—and soon, we hope, its stages—with thrilling theatre in many forms,” continued Edelstein in a statement. “We look forward to sharing the fruits of their answers to the question ‘What Is Theatre Now’ as they develop in the time ahead.”

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