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Virginia Grise. (Photo by Netza Moreno)

Offscript: Self-Defense Over Self-Care With Virginia Grise

This week our guest is the resident playwright of Dallas’s Cara Mía Theatre, who talks about her urgent manifesto ‘Your Healing Is Killing Me.’

Offscript, American Theatre’s flagship podcast for a number of yearsis back as a Facebook Live chat with the magazine’s editors and special guests as well as an audio podcast.

This month our guest is Virginia Grise, playwright, activist, and all-around theatre visionary. Currently the Mellon playwright-in-residence at Cara Mía Theatre in Dallas, Grise will perform her “manifesto” Your Healing Is Killing Me at three locations in three separate Dallas-area neighborhoods Aug. 20-22. A deeply personal, angry, funny, and participatory performance piece, YHIKM addresses the symptoms of white supremacist capitalism, extra-visible now thanks to the disparate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the activism of Black Lives Matter. But she ultimately gives a more comprehensive diagnoses: We must eliminate the disease we’re at war with, not merely fight the symptoms. Along the way we talk about community engagement, Mao’s physical fitness regimen, and the many benefits of putting artists on staff.

You can download the episode here, or watch the original Facebook chat below.

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