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Maya Phillips, David John Chavez.

Offscript: Previewing the Season With Maya Phillips & David John Chavez

In this episode we talk to critics on both coasts (with JR holding down the Midwest) about criticism, in-person theatre, and Twitter vs. TikTok.

Offscript, American Theatre’s flagship podcast for a number of years, is back as a Facebook Live chat with the magazine’s editors and special guests as well as an audio podcast.

This week the editors talk about the magazine’s historic online Season Preview issue, and about the return to in-person theatre, with two peers in the field: New York Times critic at large Maya Phillips and Bay Area critic David John Chavez. We talk about the strangeness of the last 18 months, what returning to live shows has felt like, and what they are most looking forward to (and not).

You can download the episode here, or watch the original Facebook chat below.

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