BROOKLYN: ViBe Theater Experience has named Beryl Briane Ford and Michelan Le’Monier the organization’s new executive co-directors. They succeed Toya Lillard in the role.
“It is with great pride and pleasure that I celebrate Michelan and Beryl Briane as viBe’s new co-directors,” said Lillard, who is currently the interim director executive director of 651 Arts, in a statement. “During my tenure as executive director, I felt duty-bound to support the leadership of Black girls, young women, and gender-expansive youth, upholding a tradition of supporting the next generation of artists, leaders, activists, educators, and theatremakers. And so it is quite fitting and intentional that Michelan and Beryl Briane’s leadership is demonstrative of what it means to trust and invest in young Black women.”
Ford previously served as viBe’s development associate, while Le’Monier served as the organization’s operations director. Their appointment is designed to preserve viBe’s historical impact and to demonstrate a commitment to investing in and centering Black women’s leadership in the arts.

“I firmly believe that investing in the leadership of Black girls, young women, and gender-expansive youth is a critical pathway to liberation,” Ford said in a statement. “I am thrilled to be co-leading an organization which nurtures the artistic and professional praxis of emerging artists, administrators, and educators of color.”

“Since my participation in the viBeApprentices program in 2017, I knew I wanted to contribute to this community of artists,” Le’Monier added in a statement. “As co-director, I envision abundance through arts and wellness as a lifestyle, not a privilege, for Black girls, young women, and gender-expansive youth.”
ViBe Theater Experience produces original theatre, music, and media about real-life issues, written and performed by New York City girls, young women, and nonbinary youth of color.