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Clockwise from top left: Patricia McGregor, David Israel Reynoso, James Vásquez, and Delicia Turner Sonnenberg, the Old Globe's new resident artists.

Old Globe Names 4 New Resident Artists

The artists will offer counsel and artistic insight to the Globe’s leadership, participating in multiple steps of the selection and production process.

SAN DIEGO: The Old Globe has announced the appointment of four new resident artists who will join the Globe’s artistic staff. During this two-year residency, which began on April 1, the four artists will offer counsel and artistic insight to the Globe’s leadership. The four artists are Patricia McGregor, David Israel Reynoso, Delicia Turner Sonnenberg, and James Vásquez.

“It gives me enormous pleasure to welcome these four extraordinary artists into the very center of the Globe’s artistic life,” said Erna Finci Viterbi artistic director Barry Edelstein in a statement. “Patricia, Delicia, James, and David are already important figures at this theatre, and their superb work has graced our stages many times. But now they will help me and the Globe’s artistic staff set our future course. In particular they will help us honor the commitments we’ve published in our Social Justice Roadmap, aimed at making the Globe and its work more inclusive, equitable, and accessible to San Diego’s—and the nation’s—BIPOC theatremakers. I know that they will enrich the Globe immeasurably. Their arrival here is an important moment, and I look forward to celebrating them in an ongoing partnership, collaboration, and, above all, friendship.”

As part of the residency, the artists will be involved in the play selection process, helping to democratize that process and center Black, Indigenous, and people of color works and artists in the process and life of the Old Globe. They will attend artistic staff meetings, read plays under consideration and offer opinions, weigh in on creative teams being assembled, offer ideas for additional programming materials, and additionally submit projects on which they are primary creatives.

More information, including full bios for the resident artists, is available through the Old Globe’s website.

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