The Lying Game
So you want to be an actor? The first step is figuring out why in the world you’d do such a thing.
So you want to be an actor? The first step is figuring out why in the world you’d do such a thing.
Anne Bogart and Kristin Linklater debate the current trends in American actor-training.
A kaleidoscopic look at a discipline that still gets no respect.
Places to study how plays are made.
A master’s legacy lives on.
An award-winning playwright takes aim at undergraduate arts training, not to mention the Fortune 500, sex education, and the occasional piece of Republican legislation.
Rounding out their first year since graduation, members of ART’s class of 1995 find reading and spirituality at the center of their new lives as actors.
Now graduated and out working as actors, members of ART’s class of 1995 find themselves walking the fine line between personal choice and professional serendipity.
An ART graduating class hits the pavement of NYC.